DTC99 Seeds from Brothers Grimm

  Grower reports: 1  Viewed: 31,794 times  Rated by 1 user: 7.57/10
'DTC99' from Brothers Grimm
LineageNot Listed
FamilyUnknown or mixed family
OriginNot Listed
RegionNot Listed
GenotypeMixed, primarily Sativa
Indoor Maturation50 to 55 days
Outdoor MaturationSep 15 to Sep 30
Sex PossibilitiesStandard (M/F)
StatureAverage size
YieldNot Listed
Odor LevelNot Listed
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste Level7
Taste DescriptionNot Listed

  Breeder's Description - 'DTC99'
The Super Sativa Seed Club (SSSC) bred a Thai strain for four generations to stabilize its traits favoring indoor cultivation. SSSC's famous Durban Poison male was used to pollinate a particularly sweet Thai female from this fourth generation. The hybrid was called "Durban Thai Highflier" by SSSC is has quite a reputation among Cannabis "Old-timers". They exhibited the best genes from both sides of their heritage, maturing early and remaining reasonably compact due to the Durban's influence. True Thai weed is sickly sweet, but when crossed with the Durban, the hybrid took on a taste distinctly like black licorice. Bros Grimm decided to cross a particularly early-maturing female SSSC Durban Thai with a Cinderella 99 male. Expect a hybrid that is heavily Sativa-dominant, yet suited to indoor cultivation.

  Grower Report - Asiatica on September 27, 2004, 6:26 pm  

Overall Rating8  EffectSomewhat heady
Potency8  StatureSomewhat tall and lanky

The DTC99 is a strain created by the BROTHERS GRIMM. It is a cross of SSSC Durban Thai Highflyer x Bros Grimm Cinderella 99. This is supposedly one of MrSoul's favorites. This was the first Bros Grimm strain I ever bought, I read so much about the Cinderella and Apollo, I figured these guys knew wha ...continued

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Brothers Grimm - 'DTC99'