Lady G Seeds from Capricorn Seed Company

  Grower reports: 0  Viewed: 6,484 times  Not Yet Rated
'Lady G' from Capricorn Seed Company
LineageNot Listed
FamilyUnknown or mixed family
OriginNot Listed
RegionNot Listed
GenotypeNot Listed
Indoor MaturationNot Listed
Outdoor MaturationNot Listed
Sex PossibilitiesStandard (M/F)
StatureNot Listed
Odor LevelNot Listed
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste LevelNot Listed
Taste DescriptionNot Listed

  Breeder's Description - 'Lady G'
This is our G13 hybrid. In its production we have used G13 clones of which we are unsure of their purity so we have left the description as a G13 hybrid. The high is very energetic and long lasting. The yield is medium with excellent results indoors and outdoors.

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Capricorn Seed Company - 'Lady G'