Snow White Seeds from Nirvana

  Grower reports: 5  Viewed: 166,935 times  Rated by 5 users: 5.72/10
'Snow White' from Nirvana
LineageUnknown. F1 hybrid
OriginNot Listed
RegionNot Listed
GenotypeMixed, primarily Indica
Indoor Maturation55 to 60 days
Outdoor MaturationOct 15 to Oct 31
Sex PossibilitiesFeminized (mostly female)
StatureSomewhat short and squat
YieldNot Listed
Odor LevelNot Listed
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste LevelNot Listed
Taste DescriptionNot Listed

  Breeder's Description - 'Snow White'
Snow White is one of our highest quality selections from the “white” family. The fat pure Indica father gives Snow White a denser statue than its close relative, White Widow. This F1 hybrid is a big yielder with dense sticky buds covered in trichomes. Well suited for hydro or similar systems. Great smooth taste and a powerful indica stone make this strain a nice Widow variation.

  Grower Report - hAshley on July 17, 2003, 12:52 am  

Overall Rating9  EffectNicely balanced
Potency8  StatureAverage size

This strain is #1 on my list! The plant forms thick white hairs and pushes out fruity crystals that smell and taste great once you've completed the mission. She is a nice yeilder indoors and is very easy to grow.

  Grower Report - ralpheme ! on July 19, 2003, 7:16 am  

Overall Rating6  EffectNicely balanced
Potency7  StatureVery short and squat

she was great too work with. snow white loves to be topped !
from seed i vegged untill the 8th node. then topped her and
vegged untill the side branches cought up with the top of plant. I tied down the branches to make a candleabra looking plant. she took a full 2 week's after switching too 12/12

  Grower Report - Maliboo on January 1, 2004, 12:41 pm  

Overall Rating5  EffectNicely balanced
Potency7  StatureVery short and squat

Overgrow sucks.

  Grower Report - Scootahbud on January 9, 2004, 4:13 pm  

Overall Rating8  EffectSomewhat couchlock
Potency9  StatureAverage size

We germinated four seeds out of a regular pack, two of those turned out to be female.
Both plants grew quite quick, they were vegged until they were 12 inches high, cuttings were taken then they were put in to flower.
I will say that I’ve had trouble rooting these cuttings, out of four I took I on

  Grower Report - THIRDGREYWOLF on August 12, 2004, 10:12 am  
Snow White from Nirvana rated 7.14  

Overall Rating7  EffectSomewhat couchlock
Potency7  StatureSomewhat short and squat
Yield7  PhenotypeMixed, primarily Indica
Ease7  Indoor55 to 60 days
Appearance8  OutdoorNot Listed
Odor Level6  Odor: Sweet and sometimes fruity.
Taste Level7  Taste: Candy floss/spun sugar with a hint of tropical fruits.
Grower's Tilt8  SexesStandard (M/F)
SI Rating1.120  Vintage: Not Listed

Snow White was for me a dream to grow she did exactly what I needed her too. Short, high yeilding, great smoke, I used Oxyplus and Superthrive to start them of then ionic nutes starting at 1/4 strength going up to 3/4 strength, never needed full strength. Out of 10 seeds all popped but as time went on 2 kinda lagged behind but I kept them anyway just to see. I vegged for around 4 1/2 weeks until the 7th node then switched them to 12/12, they started out under fluoros and then to a 400w son-t. Out of the 8 best I got 4 male and 4 lovely ladies. They grew like crazy up and out like little Christmas trees and piled on the bud, masses of swollen calyxes and white hairs stretching out for pollen but there was none there as the males were long gone. They just kept on fattening up, crystaling was amazing they sparkled in the light. They went a full eight weeks until ready with some sampling along the way, it got better as they neared the 8th week, I also left 1 for a week more and it was more couchlock than the others. The 2 that lagged behind ended up vegging for 3 weeks longer then flowered and they turned out great a lot smaller than the others but perfectly formed and with even fatter buds , snow white will hopefully be in my garden for the foreseeable future due to clones I took and kept 2 back as moms. Happy growing.
  Garden Information for this report  
Bloom Wattage Used410w to 1000w
Average Plant Height66
Plants per Sq. Foot1.00
Average Yield per Plant3.50
Pruning or Plant StyleBush
Fertilization MethodChemically fed

My grow room is 5ft by 4ft and the system took up 1/2 of the room while the other 1/2 has tubblers with clones in. For this run with the Snow Whites I felt my autopot needed some tweaks and that’s what it got, DIY of course. I lifted the 8 pot autopot system about 6 in and connected it via a low level pipe to a res to add more volume of water to the system. Also so I could feed the plants from the top via a pump and some 1/2 in pipe every 2 to 3 hrs for 15 mins. I then used the smart valve from the autopots to maintain the water level in the res from a bigger res. The plants were started in 1in rockwool then to 3in then into perlite in 1 gallon pots. Then to sex at 7th node, the girls were then put in the system in the 3 gallon pots, lighting was c/fs to start then 400w hps and 600w hps in the last 4 weeks. Ventilation was 1 extractor fan and 1 oscillating fan. For me this worked great along with ionic nutes, canna pk13/14,oxyplus and a bit of time and care for those ladies

Report added by: THIRDGREYWOLF  Last edited by: MarvinM92 on August 12, 2004, 10:36 pm

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Nirvana - 'Snow White'