Afghani #1 Seeds from Sensi Seeds

  Grower reports: 5  Viewed: 202,079 times  Rated by 5 users: 6.07/10
'Afghani #1' from Sensi Seeds
LineageNot Listed
FamilyUnknown or mixed family
OriginNot Listed
Indoor Maturation40 to 45 days
Outdoor MaturationNot Listed
Sex PossibilitiesStandard (M/F)
StatureAverage size
Odor LevelNot Listed
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste LevelNot Listed
Taste DescriptionNot Listed

  Breeder's Description - 'Afghani #1'
Top Afghanis have been used for this variety. Characteristic are the big, dark Indica leaves, their strong aroma, sturdy stems and high yield. A must for the Indica connoisseur.

  Grower Report - strawdog on July 18, 2003, 6:14 pm  
Afghani #1 from Sensi Seeds rated 7.86  

Overall Rating8  EffectCouchlock, body stone
Potency8  StatureVery short and squat
Yield6  PhenotypeIndica
Ease10  Indoor50 to 55 days
Appearance6  OutdoorNot Listed
Odor Level10  Odor: very Strong Marjuana Smell
Taste Level7  Taste: Hashy/Woody Taste
Grower's Tilt8  SexesStandard (M/F)
SI RatingNot Listed Vintage: Not Listed

Afghani#1 from Sensi Seeds is an IBL which means that it is very uniform in growth. The reason why I choose this strain was two fold. I wanted to grow a true landrace Indica with limited hybridization and I wanted lots of resin. If you are looking for an original Indica that produces a body stone effect then Afghani#1 is for you. Afghani#1 has some of the darkess leaves you can find on any Indica strain. With higher levels of N the leaves turn a dark green and begin to look like bat wings. Afghani#1 is extremely easy to grow and highly recommended for the novice grower. It is very hard to actually fault this strain as it can grow in the most harshest of conditions and survive almost any nutrient problem or pest attack. Novice growers are highly advised to give this strain a go.

The downside to this strain is that it is only an average yielder and the smell is simply one of strongest you fill find from any strain. If you plan on growing Afghani#1 you will almost certainly need to use a carbon filter. The smell is much stronger than most skunk varities. Afghani#1 does not have much vigour - a result of its IBL stability but it does produce some of the most resionous buds I have ever seen. The resin oozes everywhere causing the pistils to curl up into balls. The overall effect of the cola growth is like clumps of goo at every node region. Afghani#1 is a prime candidate for hashish extraction. This strain also forms the bases for many other Indica strains available today.

I have grown this strain several times and let the harvest time finish a little later than 60 days to increase the body stone effect. The high is a total body stone with a light head buzz. If you leave the strain flower longer it will produce a very strong body stone effect. It tastes like hash.
  Garden Information for this report  
Bloom Wattage Used1100w to 2000w
Average Plant HeightNot Listed
Plants per Sq. FootNot Listed
Average Yield per PlantNot Listed
Pruning or Plant StylePerpetual Harvest
Fertilization MethodMix of chemical and organic

2 X 1K HID, 10ft X 10ft room, carbon filter, soil grow with organic liquid nutrients.

Report added by: strawdog

  Grower Report - Kenny dope smoker on January 11, 2004, 8:18 am  

Overall Rating7  EffectCouchlock, body stone
Potency8  StatureVery short and squat


Afghani #1 is a short bushy 100% Indica, with very dense compact buds, that produce shit loads of very sticky resin, definately a scissor cleaner!

I've grown Afghani #1 twice now, and nearly all of them were short and bushy, apart from 1 plant which soared BIG TIME!
I vegged them to

  Grower Report - GanjahMan on April 27, 2004, 2:14 pm  

Overall Rating8  EffectNicely balanced
Potency7  StatureAverage size

I got 2 seeds from a friend that went to Amsterdam. Both seeds germinated and both where female. Both grew as mothers in GH Waterfarms with BC Technaflora nutes. Clones where took and rooted in an EZ Cloner 30 under a 400w MH. Rooted clones where moved into a GH Aeroflo36 under 1000w MH, vegged for ...continued

  Grower Report - Bozga on October 24, 2004, 8:22 am  

Overall Rating8  EffectCouchlock, body stone
Potency9  StatureVery short and squat


I started 6 seeds at the end of May, 5 of them germinated while 3 of them died because i fried them. My fault.
I've been left with 2 seedlings. Later, i lost one of two seedlings because of snail.


Afghani#1 started to grow very vigorous. SO much vigour and smell at the b

  Grower Report - gr0wmatic on November 12, 2004, 10:24 am  

Overall Rating7  EffectSomewhat couchlock
Potency8  StatureExtremely varied

These Afghani #1 were fairly easy to grow for a new grower. They came from Sensi seeds in Amsterdam. Out of 5 seed that were germed in wet paper towel method all cracked open, 2 turned out males and were discarded .

These plans were flowered at 12" to keep height under control due to height restr

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Sensi Seeds - 'Afghani #1'