
Treating RockWool & Misting cuttings with Oxy-Plus

  Added by: MedMan    Viewed: 267 times  Rated by 5 users: 5.00/10
Contributed by: Pilgrim

Take an appropriate amount of lukewarm water. Adjust pH to 5.5. For each Litre add:

- 20 drops Oxy-Plus
- 5 mls Formulex
Allow RockWool cubes to soak in this solution until thoroughly saturated. Set aside to drain. Take cuttings in the usual way.

Once all cuttings are in place, mist them thoroughly. For misting solution, to each Litre of lukewarm water add;
- 5ml (1 teaspoon) of Formulex
- 1ml Wetting Agent (optional)
- 15 drops Oxy-Plus
  Last modified: 23:00 - Feb 20, 2002 

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faq:1222 "Treating RockWool & Misting cuttings with Oxy-Plus"