
Spinach Dip

  Added by: MisterIto  Last edited by: MisterIto  Viewed: 220 times  Not Yet Rated
Spinach Dip

2 cups of chopped cannabis (preferably a lemon or skunk type)
1.5 cups of sour cream
1.5 cups of mayonnaise
1 package of vegetable dip or soup mix
1 package of frozen chopped spinach (thawed and drained well)

Mix all of the above ingredients, adding more sour cream if necessary to achieve proper consistency. Refrigerate at least several hours, stirring occasionally. Serve in a hollowed out round bread loaf with additional bread torn into pieces and/or with chips, crackers or fresh vegetables.

  Last modified: 19:57 - Nov 26, 2000 

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faq:337 "Spinach Dip"