Millenium Bud Seeds from Dr Greenthumb

  Grower reports: 1  Viewed: 8,090 times  Rated by 1 user: 8.43/10
'Millenium Bud' from Dr Greenthumb
LineageNot Listed
FamilyUnknown or mixed family
OriginNot Listed
RegionNot Listed
GenotypeMixed, primarily Indica
Indoor Maturation50 to 55 days
Outdoor MaturationSep 1 to Sep 15
Sex PossibilitiesStandard (M/F)
StatureNot Listed
YieldNot Listed
Odor LevelNot Listed
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste LevelNot Listed
Taste DescriptionNot Listed

  Breeder's Description - 'Millenium Bud'
Mostly indica
Mold resistant
Medium flower to leaf ratio
Very intense stone
Large yield

  Grower Report - happyherb on November 14, 2004, 12:27 am  
Millenium Bud from Dr Greenthumb rated 8.43  

1 Image
Overall Rating8  EffectNicely balanced
Potency8  StatureSomewhat short and squat
Yield9  PhenotypeMixed, primarily Indica
Ease10  Indoor50 to 55 days
Appearance9  OutdoorNot Listed
Odor Level6  Odor: sweet
Taste Level7  Taste: sweet
Grower's Tilt10  SexesStandard (M/F)
SI RatingNot Listed Vintage: Not Listed

i planted 2 seeds from dr greenthumb into soil and grew under 400 hps.the second set of leaves grew as big as my hand with a very thick indica shape.i ended up with a male and a female a clone taken from the female topped at 7-8 th node and vegged to aprox 18" high and wide with the topping the plant ended up with about 8-9 main colas in the end.growin in 12" pot recerculating perlite hydro system.the plant just over doubled in size in flower with very heavy branches that would bend to the floor if not tied up with the weight of the buds in the last couple weeks(very bendy branches that didnt snap when they didnt get tied up early enough)

the plant finished in around 50- 55 days each crown weighed just under an oz.the whole plant dried it ended up just under a pound.the smell is very sweet and enjoyable to smoke.the buds are as tight as a rock some of the hardest heavyest buds i have grown.the stone was one of the strongest i have grown right up there with the ak-47 and 4 others in the room and any other strains i've grow. people that smoked many cones of it said was the best that they have ever tryed and a lovely clean tast,there where coments like this is brain frying and ive never smoked anything like this before.i usually take pain kills for back pain and arthritus pain everyday but while smoking millenium bud i totally forgot to take them for the lack of pain i had FANTASTIC for pain control.

This strain was very enjoyable and easy to grow and wasnt hard to find a good mother with 2 seeds and a strain that i will continue to grow.Happy Herb.
  Garden Information for this report  
Bloom Wattage Used410w to 1000w
Average Plant HeightNot Listed
Plants per Sq. FootNot Listed
Average Yield per PlantNot Listed
Pruning or Plant StyleBush
Fertilization MethodChemically fed

400 hps 1-4 depending on plant numbers.pump fed receculating hydro system.perlite.clay ball base.clones cloned into rockwool.

Report added by: happyherb

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Dr Greenthumb - 'Millenium Bud'