Masterkush Seeds from Dutch Passion

  Grower reports: 4  Viewed: 104,892 times  Rated by 4 users: 7.07/10
'Masterkush' from Dutch Passion
LineageNot Listed
FamilyUnknown or mixed family
OriginNot Listed
RegionNot Listed
GenotypeNot Listed
Indoor Maturation60 to 65 days
Outdoor MaturationOct 15 to Oct 31
Sex PossibilitiesStandard (M/F)
StatureNot Listed
YieldNot Listed
Odor LevelNot Listed
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste LevelNot Listed
Taste DescriptionNot Listed

  Breeder's Description - 'Masterkush'
A F1 cross between two different Hindu-kush strains. Yield is high. Excellent taste and strong high.

  Grower Report - behemot_grand on May 7, 2004, 9:13 am  

Overall Rating7  EffectAll in the head
Potency7  StatureSomewhat tall and lanky

Seeds were very small. After one week all of them germinated. Plants grew very fast, especially in flowering period. When they reached something about 120 cm high they just stopped to grow.
Plants were generaly very easy to grow. There were no big troubles in all life cycle.

4 feminised seeds (

  Grower Report - pistillate5884 on May 28, 2004, 1:40 am  

Overall Rating7  EffectCouchlock, body stone
Potency7  StatureSomewhat tall and lanky

Very easy plant to grow from start to finish.

Ripen to a nice bright orange bud with a nice weight and sweet smoke, I definately recommend to anyone.

It does have a tendency to stretch and be a little lanky. During budding I had to tie them up a lot because of the bud weight.

Sugared very n

  Grower Report - godddam on February 12, 2005, 11:49 pm  
Masterkush from Dutch Passion rated 7.86  

Overall Rating8  EffectSomewhat couchlock
Potency8  StatureSomewhat short and squat
Yield7  PhenotypeMixed, primarily Sativa
Ease8  Indoor60 to 65 days
Appearance9  OutdoorNot Listed
Odor Level8  Odor: Very unique fruitiness with some pungent musky and menthol overtones
Taste Level7  Taste: Fruity, and musky. 2nd/3rd rips taste pretty good.
Grower's Tilt8  SexesFeminized (mostly female)
SI RatingNot Listed Vintage: Not Listed

One pack of feminised seeds was purchased in March-2004. They were put into 2-gallon pots in EB Organic Potting Soil. So far, I have grown out two of them at separate instances, germination rate of 2 out of 3 seeds in paper towel. The first one was more Indica looking and yielded slightly more (34g) than the second one (29g), which I have pictures of here. Due to the restrictions of my grow space, both were tied down at about 10" and the branches were tied out for better lighting exposure.

Flowering was induced when branches averaged 6" long, and the main stem was about 18". On the first, I waited until about 22", and it grew slightly taller than I wanted for my grow space. However, this second time around it didn't stretch nearly as much and finished with a main stem of only about 27-28". Flowers appeared just about a week after 12/12. Both flowered similarly, starting with very round shaped ball tops that eventually elongate to spears. The first plant finished rather well by day 60. However, the second plant seemed to fill in a lot more slowly. Even when I harvested at day 63, it looked like more spear/white hair clusters were exploding. Fed sparingly, about every 2 weeks, with mild chemical fertilizers until last week of flowering. They only like mild ferts. Overall, yield was okay, about what I expected.

Dried hanging for 6 days, and then put into mason jars to cure.

The final product: The nugs have an excellent appearance; with a dark green base and very brilliantly colored brown-red hairs. After 2-week cure, the smell is stabilized. Overall, it has a dark fruity smell, with a musky pungency to it. There is also a slight menthol overtone, which is a delightful touch. The taste is not as fruity as it smells, but leans more towards the muskiness. Very silky smoke, it barely even makes me cough. Even the second and thirds rip taste pretty good! It is not the astounding Kush knockout stone I expected... it takes a second to come on, but is very strong and full bodied. Every part of me feels pretty high after two bong rips. The intensity of the effect is about average for connoisseur class weed, with a very physical (but not overwhelming) characteristic to it. Got to love the smell and flavour though! Recommended as a personal stash grow.

Although it is supposed to be Hindu Kush x Hindu Kush, which is 100% Indica, the flowering traits seemed to be somewhat sativa like, minus the super-stretch.
  Garden Information for this report  
Bloom Wattage Used410w to 1000w
Average Plant Height36
Plants per Sq. FootNot Listed
Average Yield per Plant1.20
Pruning or Plant StyleBush
Fertilization MethodNot Listed

400-watt HPS supported by Fluorex and CFL.

Report added by: godddam

  Grower Report - syko2 on November 28, 2005, 11:22 pm  

Overall Rating7  EffectSomewhat couchlock
Potency6  StatureAverage size

I started 5 seeds by soaking them in h2o2 & water for 24 hours then transplanted into a seedling mix with added perlite to finish the germanation. After 3 day's I had 5 healthy and very fast growing seedlings.

These were veged in 20 oz. cups for 2 week's under fluros and a 1000 watt MH. I repott

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Dutch Passion - 'Masterkush'