Passion #1 Seeds from Dutch Passion

  Grower reports: 7  Viewed: 133,046 times  Rated by 7 users: 6.30/10
'Passion #1' from Dutch Passion
LineageNot Listed
FamilyUnknown or mixed family
OriginNot Listed
RegionNot Listed
Indoor Maturation40 to 45 days
Outdoor MaturationSep 15 to Sep 30
Sex PossibilitiesStandard (M/F)
StatureNot Listed
YieldNot Listed
Odor LevelNot Listed
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste LevelNot Listed
Taste DescriptionNot Listed

  Breeder's Description - 'Passion #1'
Passion #1 (Amstel Gold) is an Indica variety developed in California in the seventies, and has been grown outdoors in Holland since 1980. Smokes soft with a citrus-like aroma and has a good high. Easy to grow, grows with long compact resinous buds. One of the best green outdoor varieties worldwide.

THC = 18.6%, CBD < 0.1%
Outdoor harvest time: September.

  Grower Report - justforfun on August 15, 2003, 3:00 pm  

Overall Rating5  EffectNicely balanced
Potency5  StatureAverage size

I grew Passion #1 for my first indoor grow.

Had very little trouble, even though I'm sure I made errors. Like over fertilization, over watering, high temps, etc.

I was very happy with the way Passion #1 survived my errors.

Once ready for chop, (42 days), I dried the bud. Once dried, I place

  Grower Report - onojmai on October 6, 2003, 8:43 am  

1 Image
Overall Rating7  EffectSomewhat heady
Potency6  StatureAverage size

I liked it. Seedlings were weak, but the one P #1 I kept stayed small and produced suprisingly thick buds considering its lankiness. It was a great looking plant in the backyard, though grown guerilla style its results were varied I've heard, and may be better given constant care. Smoke was good, ta ...continued

  Grower Report - jools_pirog on July 29, 2004, 11:57 am  

Overall Rating5  EffectAll in the head
Potency9  StatureSomewhat tall and lanky

I was very surprised to see that this variety grew high and long with quite a long space between leaves. It matured very quickly and the buds are long and thin with very little if no smell.
The plant was easy to grow but looks NOTHING like the picture on the Dutch Passion website, as has been the

  Grower Report - Nature§Freak on August 13, 2005, 11:32 am  

Overall Rating8  EffectCouchlock, body stone
Potency9  StatureAverage size

--10/10 germinated, i started with 8 seeds on a grow, 2 were grown a few months later.
--9 grew into healthy plants, very similar in structure.

This variety is growing tall for an indica, all plants were 1x pruned bud still growing up rather than a bush style. No problems during veg. stage b

  Grower Report - ATrain69me on September 2, 2005, 12:34 pm  
Passion #1 from Dutch Passion rated 5.29  

Overall Rating5  EffectAll in the head
Potency8  StatureExtremely varied
Yield2  PhenotypeNot Listed
Ease5  Indoor40 to 45 days
Appearance8  OutdoorSep 1 to Sep 15
Odor Level1  Odor: Very light, sweet when cut, after drying a little like skunky coffee, but very light smell overall.
Taste Level5  Taste: A little like coffee
Grower's Tilt8  SexesFeminized (mostly female)
SI RatingNot Listed Vintage: August,

First off, I would say this plant was annoying to deal with. I dont know if I got a bad pack or something but out out 2 packs (20 seeds) only about 10 made it past seedling stage. So it kind of looks like one pouch may have been shitty... oh well.

Throughout the life of my babies there were 2 distinct varieties; healthy and unhealthy. The healthy plants were tall and lanky and the un's were shorter and had very leathery, cracked leaves that I still wonder the cause of. By the end of their lives though most leaves cleared up however.

Also with very flexible stems at the point of harvest, the branches of the healthy plants were bent horizontal with bud weight. However, unlike the DP description, my buds were not long and compact at all, in fact they were very fluffy and airy, and the dry yield was beyond shitty - about 7oz from 4 plants in the ground outside.

So, with all these apparent problems (health, yield, seedling death) why do I like it? The high is great, gets me so HIGH not stoned and I'm yet to find a ceiling to the smoke, the more I toke the higher I get, unlike some weed were you plateau,. That said this isn't "1 hit shit," its good and I enjoy it, but I won't grow it again due to my problems with it.

One upside I failed to mention is I had no issues with mold at all when some other strains gave me trouble the same season. also it finished early (some at end of aug., others beg. of sept.)
  Garden Information for this report  
Bloom Wattage UsedNot Listed
Average Plant Height6
Plants per Sq. FootNot Listed
Average Yield per PlantNot Listed
Pruning or Plant StyleBush
Fertilization MethodOrganically fed

This was Outdoor, in the ground, using holes about 2ftx2x2. all organic using Earth Juice's whole line, plus liquid humate and liquid kelp in the liquid fert. In the ground; 4 types guano, kelp meal, crab shell meal, lime, perlite, vermiculite, peat moss, worm castings.

The plants were tied down to maintain about 5 to 6ft maximum height, they would've been up to 8ft otherwise.

Report added by: ATrain69me

  Grower Report - TDKdata on September 10, 2005, 4:25 pm  

Overall Rating7  EffectNicely balanced
Potency9  StatureAverage size

I was looking for a high THC outdoor strain that would not have a strong odor when flowering. I came across Passion # 1 and the plant was exactly what I was looking for.
All fifteen of the feminized seeds sprouted and when six inches tall they were transplanted outside into a mixture of potting so

  Grower Report - Stoner 13th on November 30, 2005, 5:45 pm  

Overall Rating7  EffectSomewhat heady
Potency8  StatureSomewhat short and squat

my first real hps grow- 1/2 of it was passion, the other half was some skunk/durban free bees i got from SD. seeds were like 35 usd, well worth my money- passion #1 was great for my setup for it was easy to train and keep my canopy at the same time- i would recomend it for growers that like to tie ...continued

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Dutch Passion - 'Passion #1'