Aurora Indica Seeds from Nirvana

  Grower reports: 9  Viewed: 266,806 times  Rated by 9 users: 7.50/10
'Aurora Indica' from Nirvana
LineageAfghan x Northern Lights (F1)
FamilyNorthern Lights
OriginNot Listed
Indoor Maturation50 to 55 days
Outdoor MaturationOct 15 to Oct 31
Sex PossibilitiesStandard (M/F)
StatureSomewhat short and squat
YieldNot Listed
Odor LevelNot Listed
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste LevelNot Listed
Taste DescriptionHash-like

  Breeder's Description - 'Aurora Indica'
Aurora Indica is an f1 hybrid of Afghan and Northern Lights. Aurora Indica stays short and produces heavy colas. This plant has exceptional resin production and the buds are dense. Aurora produces a deep, near black hash, aroma and a heavy Indica buzz. This strain is probably our most potent Indica.

  Grower Report - PLAYn on July 19, 2003, 8:22 am  
Aurora Indica from Nirvana rated 9.14  

Overall Rating9  EffectVaried effects
Potency9  StatureAverage size
Yield10  PhenotypeIndica
Ease9  Indoor50 to 55 days
Appearance10  OutdoorNot Listed
Odor Level8  Odor: Smell is at its strongest in the last couple weeks of flowering
Taste Level9  Taste: Very unique taste, sweet, one that will grow on you
Grower's Tilt9  SexesStandard (M/F)
SI RatingNot Listed Vintage: Not Listed

The effect of the buzz can be manipulated by the number of days flowered, pick her early for a great head buzz, or wait a couple more weeks an you will need a forklift to remove you from your couch
  Garden Information for this report  
Bloom Wattage Used410w to 1000w
Average Plant HeightNot Listed
Plants per Sq. FootNot Listed
Average Yield per PlantNot Listed
Pruning or Plant StyleMixed
Fertilization MethodChemically fed

Water Farmer

Report added by: PLAYn

  Grower Report - East Coast Au on September 19, 2003, 12:01 pm  

Overall Rating8  EffectVaried effects
Potency9  StatureSomewhat short and squat

As a first time time grower my first priority was finding a strain which was very resistant to abuse. A few people recommended Aurora Indica. I also wanted a strain which was pretty compact, however one which gave a pretty good yield... Aurora Indica satisfied all my criteria.

4/4 seeds germinate

  Grower Report - Grower_Gone_Wild on December 28, 2004, 7:40 pm  

Overall Rating7  EffectSomewhat couchlock
Potency7  StatureAverage size

Nirvana Standard Seeds Aurora Indica, A cross of Afghani and Northern Lights.

I germinated 7 seeds, only 5 popped.
Out of 5 seedlings, only 2 were female.

Total time from seed to harvest, 84 days. Veg time 28 days/bloom time 56 days.

Germination was in rock wool and grow took place in 3"

  Grower Report - urthaprototype on January 1, 2005, 8:28 pm  

Overall Rating8  EffectCouchlock, body stone
Potency9  StatureAverage size

Of the 10 seeds germinated 8 sprouted. Extremely easy to grow and low maintenance -- 5/6 planted were males and the 1 female was dwarfed. After males were picked, the female grew to average size and had great bud production until harvest. Veg for 32 days, and flower for 50 days.

This strain is pe

  Grower Report - Smoke on January 17, 2005, 5:38 pm  

Overall Rating8  EffectVaried effects
Potency9  StatureSomewhat short and squat

This was my very first beginning to finish grow and let me tell you something, if I can do this anybody can. I trained my plants (LST) for those who know what i am talking about so that they would have a lower stature and i was satisfied with the low stature that this strain is known for already so ...continued

  Grower Report - justenoughforme on April 11, 2005, 9:26 pm  

Overall Rating5  EffectCouchlock, body stone
Potency8  StatureVery short and squat

- Nirvana's Aurora Indica is Northern Light's X Afgani, F1 hybrid.

- Growbox was 17 by 17 inches, 175 watts all MH grow.

- Soil Grow

-Flora Nova veg nutes, 7 - 4 - 10.

-Homemade bloom mixture, 6 - 10 - 15... with a 0 - 4 - 0 added twice when deficiency showed.

- 7 litre trashcan f

  Grower Report - bc-trichome-farmer on April 18, 2005, 7:51 pm  

Overall Rating7  EffectSomewhat couchlock
Potency8  StatureVery short and squat

My setup is a c-13. The ladies grew so much during flower that I had to get another 400 watt light and mount it in my closet for the two big girls that outgrew the c13. Total of 800 watts.

5/5 beans sprouted in a day or so after a light soaking in diluted Maxicrop Seaweed. The plants remained

  Grower Report - stonez on May 29, 2005, 10:32 am  

Overall Rating7  EffectCouchlock, body stone
Potency9  StatureVery short and squat

AURORA INDICA - (white strain)

3 females out of 5 seeds. No veg time at all. I was halfway through flowering another set of plants when I got these seeds. I don't have any "veg box" so the Aurora Indica seedlings was given 12/12 from birth. Harvested about day 65 from seeds. Very potent smoke! St

  Grower Report - psychobabble on July 27, 2005, 5:10 am  

Overall Rating8  EffectSomewhat couchlock
Potency9  StatureSomewhat short and squat

I've now grown out Aurora Indica 3 times...the initial seed grow followed by 2 rounds of clones.From seed,I had 10/10 germination,ending up with 7 females.I gave 3 to a friend and kept 4.All grew uniformally and were vegged for approx 5 weeks.After 9 weeks of 12/12,the plants were harvested and yiel ...continued

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Nirvana - 'Aurora Indica'