Haze Seeds from Nirvana

  Grower reports: 2  Viewed: 132,510 times  Rated by 2 users: 7.78/10
'Haze' from Nirvana
LineageColumbian, Mexican, Thai and Jamaican
OriginNorth America
Indoor Maturation60 to 65 days
Outdoor MaturationNov 1 to Nov 15
Sex PossibilitiesStandard (M/F)
StatureSomewhat tall and lanky
YieldNot Listed
Odor LevelNot Listed
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste LevelNot Listed
Taste DescriptionNot Listed

  Breeder's Description - 'Haze'
The roots of our Haze begin in the foothills of the Bay Area, California in the 1970’s. It is a stable magic mix of Columbian, Mexican, Thai and Jamaican. Haze has fluffy buds, a very long flowering period and delivers an intense rushing high. Haze has a complex aroma that almost smells like a plant other than cannabis. Haze is a strain that could have many medical applications.

  Grower Report - dreadz on May 30, 2004, 11:52 am  
Haze from Nirvana rated 8.14  

Overall Rating8  EffectNicely balanced
Potency9  StatureAverage size
Yield8  PhenotypeIndica
Ease10  Indoor60 to 65 days
Appearance10  OutdoorNot Listed
Odor Level8  Odor: Woody, with a piney hint (once cured)
Taste Level7  Taste: Like the smell
Grower's Tilt5  SexesStandard (M/F)
SI RatingNot Listed Vintage: Not Listed

I grew 2 plants, both were females. The result was very different from what I expected. I bought these seeds hoping to get a pure sativa, that would give me an idea of that legendary Haze high. Instead, I got indica plants (how did that genes get in there???) that grew fat leaves, and had some of the most resined buds I ever grew, in fact, they were the most cristally plants from the garden, even more than the Nirvana WW and other indicas. I got happy to grow them, but definitely they were not even close to pure sativas. Next time I´ll grow them along with the indica plants.

The plants were grown outdoors, very late in the season, when the photoperiod was under 12/12. They finished at about a foot high, so the yield was way too low, but if grown bigger I believe they will be good yielders. The grow was easy and problem free, all organic. It's hard to tell how long to finish, but I guess it was not more than 9 weeks. I think these would grow very well indoors, but they do stretch a bit more than the average indicas.

I believe this strain is a good commercial choice, because it produces some serious thric coverage, that cures to that white color and have a great bag appeal. Not as good yields as other indicas but keep in mind that it is sold as Haze.

Now the smoke report itself. Very pleasant to smoke, this strain will not give you that energetic high, but also will NOT let you down, the body feeling is very good, with a relax (NO couchlock) and warm feeling, kinda increases the tactile feelings. Makes a little hurricane in the head, you can stop it, like having many ideas in the same time, kinda hard to keep in focus. Just like think: I go to the kitchen, then you go to bathroom and think: I think I didn't want to come here... I don't know well how to describe this (my english is not that good).

All in all, it is surely a nice choice, and has some Haze in it. I´ll surely grow it again. A very good choice for those that want a sample of the Haze, but just can't wait too long. It's not a pure sativa. If you want to get the real deal, better go to TFD´s O Haze.
  Garden Information for this report  
Bloom Wattage UsedNot Listed
Average Plant Height12
Plants per Sq. FootNot Listed
Average Yield per PlantNot Listed
Pruning or Plant StyleBush
Fertilization MethodOrganically fed

Outdoors, guerrilla.

Report added by: dreadz

  Grower Report - coopaloop on March 24, 2005, 11:18 pm  

Overall Rating7  EffectSomewhat heady
Potency7  StatureAverage size

Was very easy to grow it pretty much eat whatever i threw at it harvested early for certain reasons... smelt very skunky... plants stretched alot after going into 12/12 and the plant yeilded more then i thought at 2oz dry... the smoke was very tasty a skunky taste high was very speedy and energetic ...continued

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Nirvana - 'Haze'