Petrolia Headstash II Seeds from Reeferman Seeds

  Grower reports: 0  Viewed: 3,113 times  Not Yet Rated
'Petrolia Headstash II' from Reeferman Seeds
LineageAfghan cross
FamilyUnknown or mixed family
OriginNot Listed
GenotypeNot Listed
Indoor Maturation55 to 60 days
Outdoor MaturationOct 1 to Oct 15
Sex PossibilitiesStandard (M/F)
StatureNot Listed
YieldNot Listed
Odor LevelNot Listed
Odor DescriptionNot Listed
Taste LevelNot Listed
Taste DescriptionNot Listed

  Breeder's Description - 'Petrolia Headstash II'
An F1 cross of our very favorite Afghanis, these are vigorous plants that make lots of classic afghan nugs. Good yielding outdoor strain make nice strong trees, very easy to grow. Classic afghan taste and high, the trim is great for hash making.

StrainGuide © 2004 Overgrow
Marijuana Seeds Review: Reeferman Seeds - 'Petrolia Headstash II'